Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Learning, ever learning

One thing I love about the markets, is that there is so much to learn. To become a better investor, you must want to learn more and then put that knowledge to use.

Stockcoach recently wrote a great posting about one of his favorite sites to learn from, CXO Advisory. I too enjoy the insights that this site affords.

To become better in the markets necessarily involves continuous learning, both about strategies that can better the market, and also your own inner human psychology.

Many strategies to beat the market are fairly simple, straightforward, and well known. Studying these things for a while, allow you to come to know them. Further incremental improvement is possible, by learning more advanced techniques. However, many market-beating strategies, it has often been said, can be written on a matchbook cover.

Buying low book-to-value stocks, for instance, is a perenial winner on the whole. As is buying low PE stocks. As is buying stocks with a record of increasing dividends. All well-known, market-beating, strategies.

Implementing and sticking with those strategies is something else altogether, for many, many people.

Two quotations I recently posted on my site relate to fundamental reasons for market underperformance. In my view, most underperformance can be traced to poor emotional control, particularly patience. Both sayings touch on the subject ...

Most of man's troubles come from his inability to sit and be quiet for 20 minutes.
- Pascal (b. 1623, d. 1662)

A man may see straight and clearly and yet become impatient or doubtful when the market takes its time about doing as he figures it must do… the market does not beat them… they beat themselves, because even though they have brains they cannot sit tight.
- From Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, published 1923.

Most investors would do well to ponder these sayings, both before they set their strategy, and after. Just as I have, and continue to do so - to improve my performance.


The Confused Capitalist

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll like this then:

"Half the failures of this world arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping." - Julius Hare