These "books" are total less than 50 pages in length and are written in the style of a friend-to-friend informal report. The actual number of pages discussing the topic at hand is less than 25 pages. That's right, the books are effectively priced at more than a $1 per page.
Each of these books provides a little bit of background around each investment theme and then suggests four stocks or ETFs that could benefit from continued investment into each respective theme.
I have to say that I agree with the review of these books given by portfolio manager and fellow blogger Roger Nusbaum.
While the "books" have some utility I have to say that I'm left with the impression that Wiley is viewing these as a potential "profit center" - meaning they view you, dear reader, as their profit center in this case. I think that Wiley can do a lot better than titles like these - or alternatively, reduce the price to something commensurate with the effort ($3.99?) or effective utility ($5.99?). I think the unfortunate result of publications like these will be to cheapen the name and reputation of Wiley as a publisher of quality business titles.
But that's just my opinion. You are, of course, free to form your own. For only $29.95.

The Confused Capitalist
1 comment:
So Jay, would you be long JW.A stock? The stock has returned 14.4% annualized for the past 4 years, and on 8 March (I believe that's how Canadians write their dates) reaffirmed guidance for FY2007.
The big question is whether they are just giving away their product (ie to you) or can actually sell these at $1/page prices....
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